greetings to my yoga students and physical therapy patients…
Woke up energized this morning and took full advantage of that state to re-record the Introductory Videos on the website. Three years ago they were formatted from an on-line series: hour long practices, four of ‘em. They were so ready for streamlining and updating. Want a boost? 15 minute essential sessions: foam rolling, ball releases, core tone and stretching. It is amazing how much has changed in three years…and how much has not. Great baseline prep and inspiration for your juicy home practice as well as for all that’s upcoming. Maybe begin with foam rolling. Please enjoy!
If you want to go in person deeper, here’s what’s up:
Release & Realign at Sierra 2: I’m teaching the next three Friday mornings in a row: Dec 29, Jan 5, Jan 12. Excited to focus on having us all feel the deep connect between belly and feet: bone & muscle, fascia, nervous system. Why? Well, I incurred a mild ankle sprain a couple weeks ago and I’ve been living the territory. Our own bodies are the BEST textbooks! And when we access this energetic line we often feel more grounded, more in tune with our environment, more steady on our feet. Come feel loose, long and strong via this deep connect.
Open House at 1125 35th Street on Jan 6: Since 2008, my East Sac studio is where healing and magic happen. It’s where I treat patients. It’s where I rock and roll. It’s where I take precious care of you and me. Come join me just for fun, questions, concerns, conversation. I’ll have the treatment table ready for mini-consultations. What’s that? The three essentials done quickly: evaluation, hands on treatment, home prescription. A surface look! Which is always amazing to receive and also so instructive to witness. Come be inspired.
Release & Roll at Yoga Shala: A 3 part series—Jan 13, 20, 27—focused on the basics of how to be loose, long & strong. A chance to tune up your active body via physical therapy infused with love. Drop in to any to one or enroll in the series to learn in person what’s covered in the Introductory Videos: myofascial release with physical therapy tools; subtle core toning; essential stretches. Because your human body is a miracle in motion, until it’s not. Injuries, genetics, habitual ways we sit, stand, work, sleep all create challenges. Trouble that compounds over the years. Totally the norm! Neck, shoulder, back, hip, knees, feet share common, often easily treatable patterns of pain and dysfunction. Come learn.
Wednesday Waves at Clara: We come back January 10 with a dive into the medicine of the rhythm of flow. Which is all about the communication between feet and belly, our connection to mama earth, our ability to keep tapping into winter’s encouragement to just be. Not “do” our dance, just “be” the dance.
And finally…if all of this intrigues you but learning from a video or participating in class just doesn’t feel right or you just don’t feel ready or you need that gentle personal touch… I am right here. Physical therapy, whether it’s in person or via Zoom, is an art I have been practicing more than 50 years. A single visit can be so incredibly helpful to begin your unique healing process.
Well, my friends, after this brief burst of energy, I intend to return to my light schedule this week. Maybe go for a walk and then finish a book in front of the fire. I hope your winter days have the chance to be filled with just this level of activity. And I look forward to meeting you on a floor somewhere soon.