Recent Revelations
The Body Joy Blog
Healing tips, inspiration and musings from Bella

feelings take time
I was born body-mind connected. Curious and instinct-driven about my body in motion from the get go: twirling, skating, hop scotching, tree climbing. Anything that ends in “ing”. Enthralled with body moving through space in relation to gravity.

miracles in motion
I remember deepening into our amazing nervous system in physical therapy school. Dissecting fragile filaments from muscle and fascia. Memorizing the radial nerve course.

BIG FEELINGS are definitely dangerous
BIG FEELINGS are definitely dangerous. A guiding principle for my wee self. An old story. One I’ve spiraled through with the support of skilled therapists and played out on many a dance floor.

Taking flight
Have you been watching the nesting eagles in So Cal? Mesmerizing, they inhabit my kitchen, creatures prompting me about the essential. Being. Taking care. Tending. Breathing. Resting. Taking nourishment. Flight.

motion in my body=movement in my heart
You know me as mover—with you in yoga or physical therapy. And maybe know me through dance. Movement in the body creates movement in our emotions. Motion breaks up stagnation in the emotion department. And for that I am grateful.

we are a bundle of nerves
I am a bundle of nerves. They course through me,ancient delivery system, giving and receiving.

surrender to the mystery
Some recent research about tolerance for the unknown sounded a bell that had been conversationally echoing all week: people struggling with indecision. Did you know there is an uncertainty tolerance assessment? You probably don’t need a test.

crimes against wisdom
When a forgotten word comes out from behind the curtain and re-inserts itself into my vocabulary it is such delight. Welcome back prajnaparadha.

what my bones know
I’m a big reader, always midst at least one book, often juggling a few. What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo fell in my lap recently and pushed all the others aside, shouted READ ME.